According to a study carried out by the National Industry Observatory last year, Brazil will need to qualify around 9.6 million workers to operate in […]
According to a study carried out by the National Industry Observatory last year, Brazil will need to qualify around 9.6 million workers to operate in industries and be able to meet existing demands by 2025. Currently, the country faces some obstacles in the face of This is because, based on the numerical volume presented, around 2 million of these workers do not even have initial training in the industrial sector to date.
Given the data presented, it is possible to observe that Brazil still offers some challenges for qualification. In addition to the number of workers who need to obtain knowledge in the area from scratch, around 7.6 million need to be updated in the face of innovations in the industrial sector.
Another issue that appears to be an obstacle to the qualification of workers is the lack of adequate management for production.
Even though the qualification of industry professionals is still a challenge for managers of some factories, there are several strategies that can make it easier for you to contribute to the knowledge of your employees. These strategies are mainly based on training, which can be presented in different ways, aimed at different sectors and with participants who are appropriate for each initiative.
If your purpose is to qualify a large sector, the training can be offered through an event with lectures and workshops. If the objective is to qualify a small group, it is possible to direct the department manager to conduct the training, which can also make employees feel more comfortable interacting and answering questions.
Another qualification strategy may involve determining a specific day and time for the team to attend major events. The initiative to provide knowledge to employees through opportunities for contact with machines and major innovations is essential to make learning more practical and ensure that knowledge is assimilated in the best way possible.